
In 2014, the Multiple Intelligence School had a pupil who was interested in organising a leaving ball for some of the pupils leaving MIS. The project evolved to teach genuine ballroom dancing skills to Year 11-13 students. The rationale was based on the idea that good social skills, and in particular networking skills, could be taught in the context of ball room dancing. Being a small school we did not have enough numbers so we invited pupils from the same age range from a number of different Suva school, including Yat Set, St. Josephs, and Suva Grammar.

We loved the result so much that we (pupils and staff) felt that we should continue this every year. 

>Who organises the MIS Etiquette Ball?

Organising the lessons, and creating the actual event, is organised by senior students of MIS. They are supervised by a number of teachers, but the actual event is more or less student run and operated.

The lessons come from a number of ballroom dancing tutors.

© MIS Etiquette Ball 2021